Monday, February 10, 2025
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Domestic Violence Firearm Transfer

The OPSO manages firearm surrenders and transfers for those subject to protective orders or other court orders in New Orleans. Criminal defendants, or those individuals otherwise subject to a protective order, may download the instruction form here. (See Instruction Form.pdf). The Proof of Transfer/Declaration of Non-Possession Form can be downloaded here. (See Proof of Transfer.pdf). The Third Party Transfer of Firearm(s) Acknowledgement Form can be downloaded here. (See Transfer Acknowledgement Form.pdf).

As indicated in the Instruction Form – DO NOT bring a firearm to the Sheriff's Office for surrender without taking the required steps in advance. Any firearm surrendered at the OPSO must arrive unloaded and secured inside a vehicle where a deputy sheriff can safely remove it.

The Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office can be contacted at 202-9442, 493-2107, or at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Note: We will not contact you. The defendant and/or the restrained is solely responsible for initiating this process. Please also note that we will not notarize any form(s) on your behalf.

Any victim of domestic violence who believes that an individual who is subject to a protective order is in violation of that order, whether through direct contact, observation, or the known possession of a weapon, should contact the New Orleans Police Department and/or the District Attorney. If you believe you are in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Instruction Form.pdf
Proof of Transfer.pdf
Transform Acknowledgement Form.pdf

Click on the icons above to download the documents.

Programs for Public Benefit

Young Marines

The OPSO chapter of the Young Marines is in partnership with the national Young Marines program. Youth under the age of 18 enroll for drill, games, field trips, and education.


West Bank Major Crime Taskforce

Deputies assigned to this task force focusing on major crimes and narcotics enforcement on the West Bank.

United States Marshals Task Force

OPSO also participates in US Marshal task force activities, focusing on the apprehension of violent criminals in the Greater New Orleans Area and monitors registered sex offenders in Orleans Parish.

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)

DARE is a school-based drug awareness and prevention program for youth. OPSO’s main focus is sixth graders through high-school.


Criminal Patrols

This program focuses on outstanding warrants for violent crimes. Persons wanted for violent crimes are targeted and arrested for public safety. This program is grant funded in partnership with the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and focuses on proactive crime prevention in high crime areas and the apprehension of wanted fugitives.

Day Reporting Center

The Day Reporting Center is a collaborative agreement between the New Orleans Sheriff Office and the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections. The New Orleans Day Reporting Center program strives...


Programs for Inmates

Transitional Workforce Center

Department of Corrections inmates who have eighteen months or less and a suitable record can end their sentence in the work release program at the TDC Transitional Workforce Facility.


Low Literacy to GED  Educational Services

These services are provided by our educational partners, the Orleans Parish Public Schools’ Alternative Learning Institute (South White Street Female Facility, juveniles held as adults, House of Detention, and Orleans Parish Prison)...


HIV Counseling and Testing

This program is in partnership with the Office of Public Health. All incoming arrestees are offered HIV testing upon arrival. A trained nurse is on hand to counsel the patient on the results. As a matter of course, arrestees...


GED Testing Center

OPSO is a State of Louisiana Department of Education certified GED testing facility. We give a monthly GED test for the public, and test inmate students within secure facilities approximately every two months or as students are ready.


Community Service

Inmates who are considered low risk and who wish to work for the public good are assigned to Community Service, where they perform a number of civic tasks. The Community Service Division also works in partnership with...


Alcoholics Anonymous

This program is available to inmates in the House of Detention and the Warren McDaniels Transitional Workforce Center and will be expanding to other buildings as additional volunteers are gained. There is also a group...


Protecting and Serving the Parish of Orleans

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