Friday, February 07, 2025
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Useful Links

Civil District Court Official Site
This is the official site of the Civil District Court. The Sheriff of Orleans Parish is the enforcement agency of the Civil District Court. This site contains forms and other information about the court.
New Orleans Notarial Archives
The New Orleans Notarial Archives maintains all real estate and other notarial documents recorded in the city of New Orleans.
Louisiana Secretary of State
The Secretary of State of Louisiana maintains databases on corporations, LLC's , and is agent for service of process for insurance companies and many other out of state entities. The site also maintains many handy links to other Louisiana and national sites.
Orleans Parish Assessor's Office
Orleans Parish Real Estate Records and Assessments
Louisiana Weekly Legal Notices
Legal Advertisements of Civil Sheriff's sales are posted by the Auxuillary Journal for the Civil Sheriff's Office on the official website of the Louisiana Weekly Newspaper.
Louisiana Department of Revenue
Louisiana Department of Revenue Site offers information on Louisiana tax matters, (sales, estate, income, excise, etc.) and offers forms associated with all of its functions.
Louisiana Department of Social Services
Official Site of the Louisiana Department of Social Services. Site contains information on matters pertaining to child support, child care assistance, DSS office locations, and frequently asked questions.
Louisiana Department of Insurance
The Official Site of the Louisiana Department of Insurance. The site contains information on all matters pertaining to insurance in Louisiana. Includes information on auto, home, fleet, title, errors and ommisions insurance, etc.
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles
Site answers questions and offers forms for Louisiana Motor Vehicle questions and needs.
Louisiana Supreme Court
The official site of the Louisiana Supreme Court. The site contains information about the court, as well as docket entries and opinions.

Protecting and Serving the Parish of Orleans

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