Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Community Resource

Careers at OPSO

Careers at OPSO

Young Marines

Medical Inmate Advocate

If you have a medical question about an inmate, call the Medical Inmate Advocate at 504-202-9451.

The Medical Inmate Advocate is an experienced OPSO nurse who will investigate your concern and call you back. If you wish to provide medical information about an inmate, call the Medical Inmate Advocate. Medical confidentiality is maintained, but your concerns will be addressed.


Orleans Justice Center

Consent and Compliance

Orleans Parish Sheriff Susan Hutson thanks OPSO deputies & 218 officers from 17 agencies who supported Carnival parade route public safety

Mobile booking location & IPC processes 350+ arrests for gun, drug and theft charges

NEW ORLEANS - 02-23-2023

Orleans Parish Sheriff Susan A. Hutson extended her gratitude to OPSO deputies and those from local and regional agencies that had a presence along the parade routes throughout Carnival Season. Throughout the season 70-140 OPSO deputies and a total of 218 officers from partner agencies were assigned to parade route public safety over the course of the 10 parade days.

"It was a great collaboration on the part of many different governmental agencies, community organizations and carnival Krewes," said Sheriff Susan A. Hutson. "It shows what we as a city and state are capable of when we work together to achieve a common goal for the benefit of our communities."

On any given day 120-200+ OPSO deputies, reserve deputies and support staff supported Carnival efforts by directly working parade route public safety, the mobile booking unit in the French Quarter, doing mounted or motorcycle patrol or manning our Operation Lost Kids Zone. In addition, about 30 OPSO deputies provided election security support for the special election in the 93rd representative district last Saturday.

"I'm extremely grateful for the support we received from our partner agencies, and I'm especially proud of the men and women of the Orleans Parish Sheriff's office for stepping up to support our community," Hutson said. "All of these officers stood alongside NOPD with pride to help maintain peace among the massive crowds, put smiles on the faces of parade goers and help keep the good times rolling."

Over the course of the Carnival season, there were 86 total bookings at the Mobile Communications and alternate Intake and Processing Compound (IPC) Unit in the French Quarter this year, up significantly from the 22 individuals booked at the location in 2022. The charges processed included illegal carrying of weapons (76), drug arrests (4), theft (3), battery (2) and domestic (1). A total of 70 more were arrested and processed at IPC at the Orleans Justice Center for gun related charges from Feb. 16-21. In all, 382 people were processed on charges across the two-week period.

"We are grateful that our efforts and presence were able to prevent some possible crimes from happening. It took an immense effort behind the scenes to allow the city's most amazing tradition to go forward and we look forward to future opportunities to show up whenever our city calls."

OPSO Mardi Gras By the Numbers:

17 Partner Agencies (18 signed CEA w/ OPSO)
220+ OPSO deputies & support staff
210 Supporting officers
86 Arrests processed @ Mobile Booking Unit
272 Arrests processed @ IPC

Partner Agencies Represented

Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office 51
Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office 6
Washington Parish Sheriff's Office 7
St. James Parish Sheriff's Office 10
Tangipahoa Sheriff Office 11
Orleans Constable (Second City) 8
Jefferson Parish Constable 1
Tangipahoa Constable 1
University of New Orleans Police Dept. 5
University of Holy Cross Police Dept. 6
Abbeville City Marshal Office 4
Jeanerette Marshal 5
Monroe City Marshals 3
LA Probation & Parole 33
LA Dept. Public Safety & Corrections 12
Department of Corrections 52
City Park Police Dept. 3

Arrest Processing Breakdown

February 10-12, 2023
Mobile Booking Unit-9
Intake & Processing Compound @ OJC-67
February 15-21, 2023
Mobile Booking Unit-77
Intake & Processing Compound @ OJC-235

Arrests processed @ mobile command
(Feb.10-12 and Feb. 17-20.)

Gun Charges-76
Drug Charges-4
Theft Charges-3
Battery Charges-2
Domestic Charge-1

Arrests processed by day @ mobile command

Friday, Feb. 10, 2023
4-gun arrests
1-drug arrest
Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023
18-gun arrests
1-domestic arrest
1-drug arrest
Saturday, Feb. 11, 2023 
Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023
17-gun arrests
1-drug arrest
Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023 
3-gun arrests
1-drug arrest
Monday, Feb. 20, 2023
8-gun arrests
1-battery arrest
Friday, Feb. 17, 2023
8-gun arrests
2-theft arrests
1-battery arrest
Mardi Gras Day Feb. 21, 2023
18-gun arrests
1-theft arrest

Weekly Incident Report - Week Ending 24 February 2023

24 February 2023

Weekly Incident Report - Week Ending 24 February 2023

Download Report
Download Report

**Disclaimer: This information is based on initial reports and is subject to change.**


Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office requests bids for new jail management system and other operational improvements

NEW ORLEANS - 12-21-2022

The Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office today issued three requests for proposals (RFP) to upgrade three systems that are essential to efficient operations of the jail. The agency is seeking to overhaul its jail management system, case management system and resident grievance, commissary and tablet system.

OPSO is seeking an automated resident information management system to perform comprehensive jail functions like managing resident booking, processing and classification information and storing medical history. An updated case management system will serve to automate the processes used to track investigations of residents and employees, which have been done manually for the past decade.

A third RFP is seeking bids for systems that will serve the resident population, specifically the grievance and commissary system. In a first for the Sheriff's Office, that same RFP asks bidders to propose a system or program for introducing the use of tablets for residents as a reward for good behavior and to allow for video visitation, education and other community programs.

"The Sheriff's Office is long overdue for an upgrade to the jail management system, which is rooted in 1980s technology," said Sheriff Susan Hutson. "We need to overhaul our systems to become a more intelligent jail with current technology. This will make our staff more efficient when performing their duties, improve our public data sharing, and better protect sensitive medical and personal information."

The current jail management system is linked to computer systems at the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court and Civil District Courts. Its data is also routinely shared with the New Orleans City Council, jail monitors and other city entities.

The three RFPs and the accompanying functional requirements are posted on the Central Bidding website ( Bids for all three RFPs are due in late January.


Victim Notifications & Programs

Crime Victims Programs
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Notification System


Crime Victims
Reparation Program


Louisiana Victim
Notification System

Who's In Jail

Who's In Jail

Magistrate Court List


Civil Matters/Foreclosures

Civil Matters/Foreclosure

Report Fraud


Call 1-844-50-FRAUD or Click Here

Report Abuse & Sexual Assaults


All family, friends, and attorneys should report immediately any information about inmate-against-inmate sexual abuse, sexual harassment or staff-against-inmate sexual relationships, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct.  Help the OPSO promote sexual safety and report these incidents confidentially to our sexual abuse hotline:

1-844-201-4312 or (504) 717-2279

Programs for Public Benefit

Young Marines

The OPSO chapter of the Young Marines is in partnership with the national Young Marines program. Youth under the age of 18 enroll for drill, games, field trips, and education.


West Bank Major Crime Taskforce

Deputies assigned to this task force focusing on major crimes and narcotics enforcement on the West Bank.

United States Marshals Task Force

OPSO also participates in US Marshal task force activities, focusing on the apprehension of violent criminals in the Greater New Orleans Area and monitors registered sex offenders in Orleans Parish.

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)

DARE is a school-based drug awareness and prevention program for youth. OPSO’s main focus is sixth graders through high-school.


Criminal Patrols

This program focuses on outstanding warrants for violent crimes. Persons wanted for violent crimes are targeted and arrested for public safety. This program is grant funded in partnership with the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and focuses on proactive crime prevention in high crime areas and the apprehension of wanted fugitives.

Day Reporting Center

The Day Reporting Center is a collaborative agreement between the New Orleans Sheriff Office and the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections. The New Orleans Day Reporting Center program strives...


Programs for Inmates

Transitional Workforce Center

Department of Corrections inmates who have eighteen months or less and a suitable record can end their sentence in the work release program at the TDC Transitional Workforce Facility.


Low Literacy to GED  Educational Services

These services are provided by our educational partners, the Orleans Parish Public Schools’ Alternative Learning Institute (South White Street Female Facility, juveniles held as adults, House of Detention, and Orleans Parish Prison)...


HIV Counseling and Testing

This program is in partnership with the Office of Public Health. All incoming arrestees are offered HIV testing upon arrival. A trained nurse is on hand to counsel the patient on the results. As a matter of course, arrestees...


GED Testing Center

OPSO is a State of Louisiana Department of Education certified GED testing facility. We give a monthly GED test for the public, and test inmate students within secure facilities approximately every two months or as students are ready.


Community Service

Inmates who are considered low risk and who wish to work for the public good are assigned to Community Service, where they perform a number of civic tasks. The Community Service Division also works in partnership with...


Alcoholics Anonymous

This program is available to inmates in the House of Detention and the Warren McDaniels Transitional Workforce Center and will be expanding to other buildings as additional volunteers are gained. There is also a group...


Protecting and Serving the Parish of Orleans

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